The Nuisance of Self-Proclaimed Motivational Speakers on YouTube.


It has become increasingly popular in recent years for individuals to take to YouTube to post videos of themselves as supposed “motivational speakers”. While there is no doubt that some of these videos contain good advice and inspirational messages, the majority of these videos are nothing more than self-promotional sound bites and platitudes that do more harm than good.


The Dangers of Unqualified Advice

The biggest problem with these self-proclaimed motivational speakers is that they are often not qualified to offer advice. They may have a knack for delivering an inspiring speech, but they lack the professional knowledge and experience to back up their claims. Without the proper credentials, they are not only giving out incorrect information, but they are also potentially causing more harm than good to their viewers.

In addition to the lack of qualifications, these motivational speakers often fail to provide practical advice that can be used to improve the lives of their viewers. Instead, they simply spout off platitudes and clichés with no real practical advice on how to achieve success or make positive changes in one’s life.

The False Hope of Instant Success

Another issue with these motivational speakers is that they often promise instant success. They make it seem like all it takes to become successful is to watch their videos and follow their advice, despite the fact that success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This creates a false sense of hope for viewers, which can lead to disappointment and frustration when they do not achieve their desired results.

The Effects on Mental Health

The final problem with these self-proclaimed motivational speakers is the effect they can have on viewers’ mental health. Watching too many of these videos can create a sense of pressure and guilt, as viewers are made to feel like they are not doing enough to achieve their goals. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety, and can even lead to depression in some cases.


The reality is that these self-proclaimed motivational speakers are doing more harm than good. They often lack the qualifications and experience to offer meaningful advice, and they create false hope for their viewers by promising instant success. This can have a negative impact on viewers’ mental health, and it is important to be aware of this when consuming content from these sources.

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