Dabur Honey is a Healthier Alternative to Sugar

New Delhi (India), July 30: As health consciousness rises, more people are exploring wholesome sugar substitutes that offer additional nutritional benefits beyond just sweetening foods and drinks. One excellent natural choice is Dabur honey, which retains all the beneficial substances and bioactive components from raw nectar. 

The Growing Health Risks of Excess Sugar Intake

For the past few decades, excessive intake of added and processed sugars has increasingly been linked to rising rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and fatty liver disease globally. Here’s a closer look at some of the ways that overloading on sugar can wreak havoc on health:

1. Weight Gain & Obesity

Regularly consuming high amounts of calorie-dense sugary treats like soda, candy, and baked goods can lead to gradual weight gain over time. The liver converts the surplus calories beyond what the body can use into triglycerides and stored as body fat. In some, this leads to uncontrolled weight gain and obesity, which then increases the risks for other chronic illnesses.

2. Diabetes

When you regularly flood the body with an overload of sugar for many years, the cells can start becoming resistant to the hormone insulin that’s needed to allow blood sugar into the cells as fuel. To compensate, the pancreas keeps producing more and more insulin. This insulin resistance causes blood sugar levels to remain constantly high, eventually leading to type 2 diabetes in some.

3. Cardiovascular Damage

Excess sugar intake forces the body to work on overdrive to process the spike in blood glucose. Over years, this strains the heart and damages blood vessels plus nerves. It also leads to higher blood pressure, inflammation and unhealthy cholesterol changes that clog arteries. This gravely raises risks of heart attacks, strokes and peripheral vascular disease.

4. Tooth Decay

The bacteria present in dental plaque thrive when you regularly eat sugary sweets. They release acids that erode and demineralise the protective enamel layer on teeth. This rapidly spreads caries and cavities, causing tooth decay, pain, and eventual tooth loss.  

Honey – A Smarter, Nutrient-Packed Alternative

Here are the major benefits of honey over sugar:

a. Lower Glycemic Index

Though sweet, honey has a lower glycemic index than refined sugar, gradually raising blood glucose levels. The presence of fructose, vitamins and minerals slows its absorption. This helps avoid sudden sugar highs and reactive lows.

b. Powerful Antioxidants

In addition to sugars, honey harbors various antioxidant polyphenols like flavonoids and phenolic acids, which help combat oxidative damage within cells and tissues.

c. Prebiotics for Healthy Gut Flora  

Honey possesses prebiotic oligosaccharides and enzymes that specifically nourish populations of good bacteria dwelling in the intestines. A robust microbiome translates to improved digestion, better absorption of food nutrients and heightened immune defences.  

d. Abilities

In addition to its beneficial nutrients, honey demonstrates natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral capabilities. Its acidic pH, hydrogen peroxide content and myriad plant phytochemicals allow it to suppress the growth of various microbes and germs. 

e. Soothing Effects on Cough and Sore Throat

Multiple clinical studies validate honey’s efficacy as a multi-action cough suppressant, proving its beneficial effects. Its thick, syrupy texture, demulcent properties, and sweet flavor coat and protect the throat. The anti-inflammatory compounds also curb irritation and swelling.

f. Aids Weight Management 

Despite having calories and carbohydrates, using honey moderately does not lead to weight gain. In fact, its unique makeup can aid in weight loss. The melatonin signals the brain to reduce food intake and appetite slightly. Its nutrients also regulate fat breakdown and lower cholesterol for healthier weight management. But portion control is still key. 

g. Oral Health Benefits

The anti-bacterial substances in honey combat the plaque bacteria that destroy tooth enamel to cause cavities. Consuming it moderately also lowers acidity in the mouth. So unlike sugar that erodes enamel, honey can support oral health by fighting bacterial overgrowth and acidity – provided good oral hygiene is maintained.

h. Skin and Hair Care Boon 

Based on traditional applications, when applied topically, honey can help improve skin health and aids good hair health due to containing anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hydrating compounds. Its antioxidants  may help in healing of wounds, burns and scars. It adds shine to hair. Honey also works wonders as a natural moisturiser for soft, glowing skin.

Dabur honey provides a readily-absorbed natural source of carbohydrates to fuel the body along with myriad protective substances lacking in regular cane sugar that nourish cells. Consumed in moderation, this golden elixir supports sustained energy and stamina needed for an active life while promoting weight management. With far-ranging health benefits for the whole body, honey by Dabur makes for a smarter, nutritive alternative to sugar.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice.

Healthy balanced diet and regular exercise play a key role in maintaining heart health, weight management and staying fit.

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